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Bamboo Circus

Imagineer, Orit Azaz and NoFit State Circus have come together to explore what circus structures, stories and performance can be created with UK-grown bamboo.

After an intensive period of R&D, a brand new outdoor show - BAMBOO - will tour the UK in 2024. Find out more at   

BAMBOO is NoFit State production directed by Mish Weaver, in collaboration with Orit Azaz and Imagineer Productions. It is supported by the Arts Council of Wales, the Foyle Foundation, and Without Walls, and commissioned by Stockton International Riverside Festival, Norfolk & Norwich Festival, Hat Fair and Timber Festival. 

Bamboo Circus R&D

In spring 2023, as part of our Bamboo Circus R&D, we spent a dedicated period of time experimenting with the phyllostacys species of bamboo, grown in private gardens in Oxford, Cornwall and Somerset. NoFit State shared their findings later in the summer with special sharing events for audiences in Bedworth and Liverpool.


Bamboo Circus R&D film and images by John Street.